To promote their just-releasedfilmThe Night Before, actorsAnthony Mackie, Seth Rogen and Joseph Gordon-Levitt went on the Sway in the Morning radio show this week. While they did talk about the new movie, the highlight of their appearance was without a doubt an epic freestyle battle where Mackie and Gordon-Levitt dragged Rogen into making some awkward-yet-hilarious rhymes of his own.
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Both Mackie and Gordon-Levitt both handle themselves fine in their brief verses but Rogen says hesreluctant to join despite the fact that I humiliate myself so often. He starts out a little slowly but really gets into a flow and starts dropping lineslike Yknow what? I dont care / My underwear / Doesnt fit my public hair / My bush is too big / It looks like a clown wig.
Obviously this video is not safe for work but its still hilarious. Check it out below.
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