Thursday, November 20, 2014

Protesters Arrested in Ferguson as Grand Jury Nears Its Decision

TIME U.S. Crime Protesters Arrested in Ferguson as Grand Jury Nears Its Decision It marked the first such arrests in about a week.

Several people were arrested at a protest in Ferguson, MO on Wednesday night calling for the officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teen in August to be charged by a grand jury.

The protesters tried to block a street outside the city police station during a demonstration that drew dozens of people in sub-freezing temperatures, Reuters reports. The arrests were the first in a week, and came amid heightened security as the grand jury nears its decision after some three months of deliberating.

Governor Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency on Monday, in anticipation of the public response to the grand jury decision about whether Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson will be charged in the August 9 killing of Michael Brown.




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