Thursday, February 4, 2016

Robo-Lawyers, Farmers, Docs: Our Future on Autopilot

Construction projects are time-consuming, labor-intensive, prone to delays, disputes and other issues. Robots on the work sites make many of these problems go away.

A robotic bricklayer named SAM, which stands for semi-automated mason, has started working alongside some construction workers, the MIT Technology Review reported last year, applying mortar and laying brick. A human worker is still needed for the tasks that require a little more finesse, such as handling aesthetic details or working on corners. SAM can lay bricks three times faster than a mason doing it the old-fashioned, however.

Another robot, named Hadrian, developed by engineers in Perth, Australia, can take that even further, working 20 faster than a human bricklayer, Gizmag reported last year. Hadrian is capable of laying up to 1,000 bricks per hour and can lay down the framework of an entire house in two days.

GET MORE: Tiny Robot Pulls Objects 2,000 Times Its Size


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